Biggest Floods in American History

Flood Insurance: Understanding the Importance through Historical Events

Floods, sometimes called "acts of God," can cause widespread damage. A hurricane or tornado can wipe out neighborhoods and communities, while floods can knock out entire regions, causing vast amounts of damage that can be hard to comprehend. Standard home insurance often won’t cover flood damage, and you may need to take out specialized insurance plans. If you need help selecting flood insurance, come work with VAC Insurance Agency, which serves Brooklyn, NY, and other communities. Let’s look at some of the biggest floods in American history better to understand the scope and scale of such events.

Major Floods in American History

Floods are relatively rare, but the damage can be profound when they strike. Consider the Galveston Island Storm of 1900. This flood caused over a billion dollars in damage and, more importantly, cost an estimated 8,000 lives. This is an abnormally high loss of life, even for a flood. For example, the earlier Sea Islands Hurricane of 1893 cost 2,000 lives.

More recently, Hurricane Katrina was found to have cost more than 1,800 lives and incurred over $100 billion in damages. While the hurricane itself was a powerful storm, the most significant cause of damage was actually the flooding that came alongside the storm.

Other major floods include The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927, the Lake Okeechobee Flood of 1928, and the St. Francis Dam failure in 1926. These major floods all occurred in short order, claiming hundreds of lives and causing billions in damage. Authorities have since responded by taking more steps to prevent floods, but they remain a grave risk. If you need assistance with selecting a flood insurance policy in Brooklyn, NY, come work with VAC Insurance Agency.

Commercial Insurance Policies for New York-Based Online Vendors

Understanding the Importance of Insurance for Online Sellers

Online selling serves a great way to minimize business costs. You can avoid overhead expenses associated with a physical storefront, such as a lease, utilities, and employee salaries. However, even if you’re selling items from the comfort of your home in Brooklyn, NY, it’s crucial not to overlook insurance coverage.

Essential Insurance Policies for Online Vendors

Commercial product liability insurance is a must for any online vendor. For instance, Amazon requires this policy for all its sellers. Commercial product liability insurance protects your business if a customer claims one of your products was defective, lacked proper warning labels, or caused an injury.

Personal injury coverage is another consideration for online sellers. It protects you from defamation claims from competitors. The online space makes it easy to post negative comments without verifying their accuracy. In case of such scenarios, personal injury coverage shields you from the financial burden of legal costs, settlement fees, and the potential payout of court judgments against your business.

Cybersecurity insurance is a crucial policy for online vendors. With cyberattacks occurring every 39 seconds, your online business is constantly at risk. A cyberattack could damage your reputation and result in legal action against your business. Cybersecurity insurance covers financial losses, legal fees, ransomware payments, and more.

Contact VAC Insurance Agency for More Information

VAC Insurance Agency specializes in assisting online vendors based in Brooklyn, NY, in finding the right insurance coverage at an optimal price. Feel free to contact us for more details about our policy options or to get a policy quote.

Three Ways Home Insurance Protects You

Home insurance is essential for every homeowner. Not only is it required for most homeowners, but it also gives you a lot of protection with different forms of coverage. If you’re about to buy a house or want to switch your home insurance, call us at VAC Insurance Agency in Brooklyn, NY. 

Protection for Your House

Home insurance has many types of coverage, but chief among them is protection for the house itself. This coverage is there in case a damaging event happens that requires repairs. Repairs can be costly, especially when there’s a lot of damage. Each home policy has a detailed look at which types of events, such as calamities and disasters, are covered by the policy. This coverage is a must for everyone who owns a home. 

Coverage for Possessions

Home insurance also covers the items that are inside your house. If the same type of incident destroys some of your belongings, the policy can pay to replace them. When you figure out the value of just one room full of items, it’s easy to see why replacing them would be so expensive. Imagine more than one room full of items being damaged and needing to be replaced. 

Liability Protection

Your liability for accidents on your property is another type of coverage in a home policy. If anyone had an accident on your property and got hurt, your home policy could pay for the bills that result from the injuries. This type of coverage is vital for protecting yourself financially, as accidents can always happen. 

Get Home Insurance in New York

When you need a home insurance policy, we can help. Call VAC Insurance Agency in Brooklyn, NY, to get started. 

Is Damage from Natural Disasters Covered by Flood Insurance?

In the aftermath of a hurricane or any other natural disaster, our team at VAC Insurance Agency in Brooklyn, NY, is committed to assisting our clients as they work through the consequences of the calamity. Navigating the substantial expenses resulting from natural disaster damage can prove stressful, but having our team of skilled insurance professionals to guide you in understanding your coverage can make it less daunting. Even though every insurance policy is unique, we are glad to provide general insights on what your flood insurance may cover following a natural disaster that causes damage to your property.

Is Damage from Natural Disasters Covered by Flood Insurance?

While the coverage of policies may vary, some damages caused by natural disasters could possibly be covered by flood insurance. Natural disasters related to fire or those entirely unrelated to flooding are likely not covered by flood insurance. It’s also important to note that if you have already exhausted the limit of your flood insurance policy, you should not anticipate that your policy will cover current flood damage.

If your home insurance does not include flood damage caused by a hurricane, the positive news is that your flood insurance policy might cover it. This highlights the importance of having flood and homeowner’s insurance. Often, flood insurance can bridge crucial coverage gaps left by home insurance policies for natural disasters and flood damage. Considering flood damage can severely compromise the structural integrity of your home, diminish the resale value, and make it unsafe to live in, protecting your home with this kind of coverage is crucial, even if you are unsure of needing it.

For more in-depth information, feel free to contact our office at VAC Insurance Agency in Brooklyn, NY!

What Type of Commercial Insurance Do I Need?

If you own a business, you need commercial insurance. However, it can be not easy to know which policies you need. At VAC Insurance Agency in Brooklyn, NY, we offer commercial insurance. 

Commercial Property Insurance

You’ll need commercial property insurance if you own a physical building associated with your business. This includes stores, offices, and manufacturing centers. 

Commercial property insurance covers the structure of the building and your property within the building, including business equipment and inventory. 

Commercial Liability Insurance 

Commercial liability insurance covers customers when they are on your business property. If someone is injured on your property, the expenses are covered. It also covers damage to a customer’s belongings or property. 

Business Owner’s Policy 

A business owner’s policy combines commercial property and liability insurance. It’s a great starting point if you own any physical business location. 

Professional and Product Liability Coverage

General liability covers accidents that occur on your business property. Professional liability covers damage caused by a service you offer. For example, if you are an accountant and make a mistake, professional liability will cover the cost of the mistake. 

Product liability is another type of professional liability coverage. It covers damage caused by a product your business creates. 

Commercial Auto Insurance 

You’ll need commercial auto insurance if you use a vehicle to transport goods, services, or equipment for your business. It covers any damage caused by an accident with your car. It also allows employees to drive the vehicle as long as they are legally allowed to drive. 

Commercial Insurance at VAC Insurance Agency 

If you need commercial insurance for your business in Brooklyn, NY, contact us at VAC Insurance Agency. Our experienced agents are here to discuss your needs and help you choose the right policies. 

I’m Paying for My House In Cash. Do I Have to Get Home Insurance?

Some people who buy homes are required to get home insurance, and some are not. Knowing whether you’re required to get home insurance when you buy is important for ensuring a smooth home purchase process.

Whether you need home insurance or just shopping because you know it’s best for you, VAC Insurance Agency servicing Brooklyn, NY can help. We help our customers find the right home insurance policies for their needs. 

Who Is Required to Get Home Insurance?

Generally speaking, people who are getting a loan to buy their homes are required to get home insurance. Mortgage lenders require proof of insurance before the loan will be funded. 

In addition, if you live in a home serviced by an HOA (homeowners association), you will most likely be required to get home insurance. If you’re paying for your home in cash and don’t live in an area that an HOA services, you will probably not be required to get home insurance.   

Why Get Home Insurance If It Isn’t Required?

Home insurance is there for you when you need it. After a covered event like a fire or vandalism, your home insurance can help you during the recovery process. Many homeowners don’t have the money to replace their homes if they are destroyed.

This is when home insurance becomes most valuable. For example, if your home is destroyed during a fire, your home insurance can be a valuable resource that can help you during the rebuilding process. 

At VAC Insurance Agency servicing Brooklyn, NY, we help homeowners find policies that make a difference when covered events occur. Call today to learn more about our insurance policies. 

Floodplain Mapping and Flood Insurance

Effective flood risk management around Brooklyn, NY, depends heavily on precise floodplain mapping and comprehensive flood insurance. With the aid of contemporary technology and data analytics, stakeholders can upgrade risk assessment processes, reducing the incidence and impact of floods in our communities.

Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis

Aerial LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has become an invaluable asset for obtaining high-resolution data for floodplain mapping and analysis. This technology enables the generation of detailed floodplain maps and contributes to the precise identification of flood-prone locations, aiding in calculating potential flood extents. Integrating factors like land use patterns, soil types, and hydrologic characteristics into geospatial analysis tools enriches flood risk models.

Flood Modeling and Simulation

Breakthroughs in flood modeling and simulation techniques have revolutionized flood risk assessment, offering a more sophisticated understanding of flood dynamics. Hydraulic and hydrological models can predict the responses of rivers, streams, and stormwater systems under differing flood scenarios, providing insights into potential flood patterns, depths, and flows. Such models are instrumental in making well-informed floodplain management decisions.

Real-Time Monitoring and Early Warning Systems

Real-time monitoring and early warning systems driven by technology are integral to reducing the impact of floods. They offer timely alerts and crucial information to communities at risk. Networked devices such as IoT sensors, stream gauges, and weather stations collect real-time data on precipitation, river levels, and weather conditions. This information aids in early flood detection and rapid dissemination of warnings.

Integration and Collaboration

Another striking application of technology is facilitating seamless data sharing, communication, and collaboration among stakeholders. This enables a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to floodplain mapping, risk assessment, and management. By leveraging technology and fostering collaboration, communities can build resilient responses to flooding.

Contact VAC Insurance Agency for More Information

VAC Insurance Agency is prepared to handle any questions regarding flood insurance and services in the Brooklyn, NY area. Call us today.

Beyond the Boroughs: Exploring Boat Insurance Options for Brooklyn Boat Owners

Nothing is worse than preparing for an exciting day at sea and finding yourself in a collision with a passing vessel. Comprehensive insurance can mitigate the financial damages of boat collisions and other related perils. Learn more about how boat insurance can protect your vessel from accidents, vandalism, and environmental disasters from the VAC Insurance Agency in Brooklyn, NY. 

Protecting Your Floating Vessel from the Unexpected 

Protect your maritime adventures with comprehensive boat insurance. Comprehensive boat insurance covers you, your passengers, your vessel, and agreed-upon accessories in the event of accidents. Full coverage goes beyond legal liability coverage. It financially protects you and your passengers from various incidents that can happen while boating. 

Non-Collision Related Boating Perils 

  • Vandalism: Secure your vessel against vandalism when docked at marinas, boat storeyards, or when moored in open waters. 
  • Theft: Comprehensive boat insurance can help offset the cost of replacement of stolen vessels and equipment. 
  • Fire Damage: Shield your finances from the costs of electrical malfunctions, fuel leaks, or cooking accidents on the water. 
  • Sinking or Capsizing: Hull damage, low tides, and mechanical failures can happen and cause your vessel to sink or capsize. 

Boat Insurance for Brooklyn, NY Boaters 

Talk to an insurance agent to learn about your best options for boat insurance coverage in Brooklyn, NY. A licensed insurance agent can highlight essential details and help you choose the best coverages based on your circumstances. 

Local boaters have greater peace of mind knowing that their floating investments are fully protected from accidents, theft, environmental damage, and collisions. Please don’t wait until it’s too late to boost your boat insurance coverage and get total protection. 

Contact the boat insurance experts at VAC Insurance Agency and get a quote today! 


Insurance Upgrades After Your Residence Is Burglarized

Set up a security plan if your home was recently burglarized. You can take some steps to minimize the risk of your possessions being stolen in the future. Review the guidelines below to improve security.

Points Of Entry

Assess your home’s doors and other points of entry. Purchase new locks if the ones that are currently used are outdated. Upgrading the locks could require you to modify your current home insurance policy.

Security Devices

Purchase security devices for your residence. Doorbell cameras, motion detectors, and automatic locking systems can be used to safeguard your residence against theft. Keep track of the upgrades you make. They should be reported to your insurance agent.

Changes in how you keep your residence secure can directly affect the type of home insurance policy you need.

Adequate Storage

Don’t keep valuables out in the open. Instead, decide upon a storage method that will improve the security of your items. If you choose to store your items at a storage facility, ensure that the rental you acquire has the security features you need.

Keep track of the location of all of your valuables. Typing up a list of the details can be helpful if you need to file an insurance claim in the future.

Updated Insurance

Keep your homeowner’s insurance policy current. If you experience any changes in your circumstances, update your policy if necessary. Selling or buying items may require changes to be made to your policy.

Reach out to VAC Insurance Agency in Brooklyn, NY

Contact an agent who serves Brooklyn, NY, at your earliest convenience. One of our agents, representing the Insurance Agency, will assist with insurance questions or modifications to your current policy.

How Do I Determine if I Need Flood Insurance?

If you’ve just recently purchased a home, you’re probably getting everything situated with your homeowners’ insurance if you haven’t finalized things already. Whether you’re aware of it or not, homeowners insurance does not cover flooding, so if you were to incur flooding in your home and file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance, it would likely be denied. Flood insurance is something that you must purchase separately. One problem many homeowners experience is not knowing whether they need flood insurance. Here is an overview that can help you make this determination. 

Where is Your Home Located?

One way to determine whether you need to obtain flood insurance coverage is to consider where your home is located. If your home is in Brooklyn, NY, you should know that this area is prone to floods. What does this mean? This means there is a higher likelihood that your home will incur flooding damage, so ensuring adequate flood insurance is recommended. 

Does Your Lender require Flood Insurance?

Some mortgage companies require that anyone with a mortgage through them also have flood insurance. Suppose the mortgager informs you that flood insurance is mandatory in addition to homeowners’ insurance and you fail to comply. In that case, the mortgage company will likely purchase the coverage and send the invoice to you. If this happens, chances are the flood insurance rates will be significantly higher than if you’d gotten a plan yourself. 

So, if you’re a Brooklyn, NY, homeowner looking for a great flood insurance provider, you should consider VAC Insurance Agency. Not only do we at VAC Insurance Agency go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction, but we also have excellent coverage that you can rely on. Give us a call today for a quote.